This week's choice

We are currently taking an indefinite break, but feel free to take a moment to look through our past themes and pieces of art. There will be occasional updates about our artistic endeavors or events posted here.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dreams -Philip A. Buck

I had this dream years ago, but I still remember feeling a mixture of awe, happiness, and fear.

As we ran as fast as we could to a nearby cave, one of us was spotted and immediately killed.  We tried not to look back as we heard the screams.  It wasn't until later when we met our alien guide, that we learned the large, beautiful, floating creatures could be appeased- even tamed.
Yeah, I definitely couldn't forget having that dream.


  1. I love the colors on their masks <3 Such a beautiful palette. Might..have to...crochet a giant circle scarf with those colors! Haha.

  2. HAHA! Thanks! Yeah, some of the color got lost/messed up when I scanned it, but I tried to fix it in Photoshop. I remember in the dream, those kind of psychedelic colors! :) If you do the scarf let me know! haha!
