This week's choice

We are currently taking an indefinite break, but feel free to take a moment to look through our past themes and pieces of art. There will be occasional updates about our artistic endeavors or events posted here.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


HALLO everyone!

Are you feeling behind with your NEEDS MORE BLUE blog posts?  Are there themes or challenges that you didn't get to take the time to take part in, but really wanted to?  Don't worry, because it is...


Use this time to get caught up and have some fun! And, even though it it Ketchup Week, it's really for TWO WEEKS!  Use this time wisely gang and enjoy!


ps. If you are in the area, be sure to check out our very own Jessica Hill's Artwork over at the opening of Hot & Cold in Hillsboro Village (Nashville area?) Her paintings and possibly the works of others, and her label work will be on display.  Congrats for all your succes Jessica!

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